February 23, 2015
It's been another fun-filled week up here in Idaho! We followed Meg to the state tournament in Boise and had a fun time. The girls played really well! They beat Marsh Valley in the first round and then played Sugar Salem - AGAIN - in the second round. The game went into overtime and we lost by 3, so we played Filer for third place and WON! We dominated that game and Meg even got to play for one whole minute at the very end! hahaha So for the first time since 2006 (I think), the girls basketball team brought home a trophy from state. They have a lot to be proud of. Sugar Salem went on to defeat the 4 time reigning state champs to win the title, so it's bitter sweet to know that we were so close to defeating them. :) Fun times! During the off times, we explored the thrift stores of Boise looking for costumes and props for the play... and, of course, we found some treasures for ourselves as well! hahahaha It was a very fun time. We are grateful that we were able to spare the time and had savings set aside to be there for Meg. It was a fun family trip. (see the pics/vids in OneDrive)
February 16, 2015
It's been another fun-filled week up here in Idaho! We followed Meg to the state tournament in Boise and had a fun time. The girls played really well! They beat Marsh Valley in the first round and then played Sugar Salem - AGAIN - in the second round. The game went into overtime and we lost by 3, so we played Filer for third place and WON! We dominated that game and Meg even got to play for one whole minute at the very end! hahaha So for the first time since 2006 (I think), the girls basketball team brought home a trophy from state. They have a lot to be proud of. Sugar Salem went on to defeat the 4 time reigning state champs to win the title, so it's bitter sweet to know that we were so close to defeating them. :) Fun times! During the off times, we explored the thrift stores of Boise looking for costumes and props for the play... and, of course, we found some treasures for ourselves as well! hahahaha It was a very fun time. We are grateful that we were able to spare the time and had savings set aside to be there for Meg. It was a fun family trip. (see the pics/vids in OneDrive)
The play is coming along quite well! We're finishing the blocking rehearsals and moving on to the very exciting working rehearsals where the kids get to hear me say, "ONE MORE TIME," until they want to die! hahaha This show has been quite an adventure because of the moms. I haven't really had that be so much of an issue, but it really is this time....probably because of the young kids. Anyway, it makes me wonder what a coach must go through with parents "suggesting" they do things differently, or being frustrated - and vocal - about the "playing time" their child has. It is an adventure! I will probably not work with young kids again for many years. hahahaha But it's all good. They have been pretty darn good for the most part.
At home, we have this funny little bug. Dad and I have been looking at houses. It started as a whim, "just for fun" and turned into a semi-serious look. We found a house in Shelley, up on the butte by the water tower, that seems to be really awesome! Sprinkler system, lighted basketball court, two acres, a playhouse, great view on the hill, big old kitchen... everything we'd want in a house for gathering with family ...our kids and new sons & daughters and eventual grandkids. Meg is VEHEMENTLY against a move, even though it's just in Shelley. hahaha We aren't absolutely positively set on a new house, we just need more space for gathering in the future. We are just as excite about the idea of building on the big old kitchen and dining room area that I've been dreaming of for years, but whenever we've inquired it's always been a NO for one reason or another. Maybe the timing is finally right, maybe that is why we feel this little bug, this little itch to look around and see what there is to see... I dunno. We should be hearing from our bank today to see if a construction loan is something realistic for us - it never has been in the past - and we are going to walk through that house in Shelley this evening... for FHE hahahaha Of course, we'll have a lesson and stuff, too... So, we'll keep you posted.
Gotta run to school. Time is something I never have enough of, it seems. Ah well....
YOU I LOVE! Can't wait to hear from you!
Love from Mom
PS - settle a debate for me - your favorite Easter candy is jelly beans, yes?
i do love jelly beans yes :) new house..... whattttt??? that seems to be a little nuts to me! but i trust you guys... what would we do with our house? unless you were gonna give it to me ;) haha jokes. but wow!
way to go meg!!!
Did sam hear my recording? yes you guys can hear it as well.
It has been a fun week of surprises! For one thing - you are online earlier than I was expecting! SURPRISE! So, I am going to make this quick so you might actually get to read it before you have to go for the week. hahaha
So, as I mentioned, the girls are going to state basketball this year, and Meg gets to tag along. This is the first time the team has gone to state in several years, so it's really exciting for them! They leave Wednesday after school and will play their first game on Thursday night at 8pm. Dad and I are taking off at noon on Thursday and the four of us are going to go up to Boise for the tournament. It will be an interesting week. I'm really excited for them! The girls played Sugar Salem AGAIN - third time - on Monday and lost by 5 in a brutal game. They played so hard trying to win that district championship! After the game on Monday, we had arranged to go and see Heidi. We'd been in Rexburg three times the week before and didn't even try to visit her, so we arranged to go pick her up and get ice cream. We saw her cute little apartment and then went to Kiwi Loco. As we were walking in, Sam said, "Is that Lexa?" I looked all over in Kiwi Loco and while there were several blonde girls, none of them were Lexa. Then I heard Dad say, "Lexa!" And there she was! She was walking in just behind us, had seen us walking into Kiwi Loco and called out to Dad! It was so fun! So we invited Lexa and Shaney to come and eat frozen yogurt with us. It was a big group! We had the four of us (Meg opted to stay and ride home with the team on the bus - a decision she really regretted) and Grandma & Grandpa Price and Heidi and Lexa and Shaney. So it was hard to talk to anyone really because there were conversations going back and forth and over and inbetween, but it was a fun time. We tried to pay for Lexa and Shaney's frozen yogurt, but, no! Oh, she's a stubborn one, that blonde girl. ;D hahaha Anyway, it was a fun surprise. I felt bad that I didn't get a picture of all of us - that would have added to the fun memory. Ah well!
Another fun surprise happened on Friday. It was Care Week at school, so we'd all been dressing up all week long. This year, the faculty did this fun thing with birthdays where each teacher would choose a day to bring treats for everyone to celbrate another faculty member's birthday. Traci McAurthur had chosen Friday to celebrate my birthday, so she brought in treats. Well, Mrs. Foster always announces in the mornings, "Facutly, we're celebrating ________________'s birthday today with delicious treats in the faculty lounge." So, my name was in that blank on Friday. Consequently, also on Friday, the show choir was doing their Val-grams or singing telegrams. So, during the Care Week assembly, they called my name and had the whole school sing Happy Birthday to me and then the show choir gave me a Val-gram. hahahahaha It was super embarrassing, AND it wasn't even my birthday, but it was pretty funny. I felt loved. hahahahaha
OK. I can't think of any other surprises right now, and I am anxious to finish this letter so you can read it before you are off the computer. I love you so much, Henry. I am so pleased that you are still working, still striving to grow and develop and move forward as a missionary and as a man. We had a big family dinner last night and were, as per usual - no surprise - solving the problems of the universe afterward. In the course of the discussion Aunt Cathy and Katie and I were talking about being a true learner, a person who chooses to learn and grow even when the instructor is not a very good teacher, not very engaging. We were talking about how that quality of being a true learner is intrinsic - you aren't doing it of external motivation, but are learning because of an internal/intrinsic motivation to grow, and that is something that we all must work toward in every aspect of our lives. It is the easiest thing in the world to get to some point and say, "This is good enough. These other people, whom I admire, are at this level and so it must be good enough. I'm comfortable here." We all do this to different degrees in EVERY stage or aspect of our lives. It's easy to do this as a student (or teacher), as an employee, as husband/wife, as a parent, as a member of the church... as a missionary. But true learners are those who, like President Eyring's dad during a "borning" high councilman talk in a Sacrament Meeting, are seeking to find more are looking for growth and opportunities to learn and move forward. I see that in you. These last few months in Chile will present a new challenge for you, that of staying engaged to the very end. It is the easiest thing to say, "I've worked hard, I've done enough, I'm just going to take these last few weeks/months and enjoy the people and country that I have come to love." I am confident that you will put in your best effort to the very last minute of the very last day, and you will never regret it.
Thank you for being a wonderful son. I am so excited to become "reacquainted" with you and to see all of the growth you've experienced live and in person. That day will come, but it is not right now, and so it will be a happy surprise when suddenly it is here! Suddenly the day has come! Until then we will both of us work hard to live in the present moment and do all we can in the present moment to do what the Lord would have us do IN that moment. No need to borrow worry or daydream about he future. We will "improve the shining moments" and not "let them pass [us] by, work while the sun is radiant; work for the night draws nigh."
P.S. I feel really bad that I forgot to mention that we had to put Kitty down this past week. The day before Valentine's Day. She was super blind, really crippled, she had some sort of infection and she had lost the ability to control her bladder. So... yeah. We have only the one little rascally puppy now. FYI.
I don't know why I felt so compelled to tell you that. I think it's because I feel guilty that I didn't take better care of Kitty and that someday I'm going to have to be accountable for that, I think. Even now, even with the fact of her death, she's an afterthought.
Oh, dear.
P.P.S. So we uploaded photos to One Drive - when we went to the BYU game on January 31st, we had a really fun time playing with the camera - the blue one that you started your mission with - in the pool. So that is what all those crazy pictures are about.
OK. It's time for me to take some more cold medicine and go to bed. I am a little bit crazy right now, I think. And I just saw a mouse run through our kitchen.
What the what?
PART TWO: I feel really bad that I forgot to mention that we had to put Kitty down this past week. The day before Valentine's Day. She was super blind, really crippled, she had some sort of infection and she had lost the ability to control her bladder. So... yeah. We have only the one little rascally puppy now. FYI.
haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahahahahaha...... im sorry but that was too funny... super sad about kitty... yeahhhh but your last paragraph basically killed me hahahaha..... even now shes an afterthought hahahaha
PART TWO: I feel really bad that I forgot to mention that we had to put Kitty down this past week. The day before Valentine's Day. She was super blind, really crippled, she had some sort of infection and she had lost the ability to control her bladder. So... yeah. We have only the one little rascally puppy now. FYI.
I don't know why I felt so compelled to tell you that. I think it's because I feel guilty that I didn't take better care of Kitty and that someday I'm going to have to be accountable for that, I think. Even now, even with the fact of her death, she's an afterthought.
Oh, dear.
February 15, 2015
Ah-ha! We got it! Grandpa Dixon's whole family line was blank last week! So strange! But, because Dad and I are both sick in bed, instead of going to Sunday School and Priesthood/Relief Society, we did some Family Search work and connected the dots! We now have everyone connected and we're ready to go! Once again, I'm not sure if you need the Randy Dixon side, but I thought it's better to have and don't need than need and done have!
Funny story: Today, in Sacrament Meeting today (Dad and I we came home after Sacrament Meeting because we're both coughing up goo and feeling pretty cruddy) I was supposed to sing/be the musical number. Well, that wasn't going to work! My voice is all but gone and I cough just from talking. So, I asked Meg and Janie to sing a hymn in my place. They didn't have a lot of time, but prepared to sing "Sweet Hour of Prayer" accapella and with harmonies. They sounded so great this morning (I am going to compel them to sing it again so we can video it for you). Janie was super nervous during the meeting and then when it was their turn and they went up to the pulpit to sing, she sort of freaked out and started the song on a really low note, so that meant that Meg had to do the harmony part extra low, but they pulled it off pretty good. I think it threw Janie off though because she messed up a little bit a few times during that first verse. when they finished the first verse, Janie just walked away from the pulpit and came down to the pew. She was done - not going to try the second verse. Meg just stood there for a second and then followed her down. We were laughing/shaking in the pew because she just walked off and didn't finish the song. It was pretty funny. They did a great job, sounded great, though!
OH! And the girls basketball team won their play-in game yesterday against Kimberly, so they are headed to state this week! We'll take/send some pictures for you!
More to come! This is going to be several short letters instead of one long one, I guess! hahaha
LOVE from Mom
February 9, 2015
It's almost Valentine's Day, and love IS in the air! For one thing, Heidi has been on a date with a guy named Cody Smith every single day for, like, a week. The age difference between him and Heidi is the same as between Jake and Katie. So, yeah... Now, I know that may not sound like much, but Heidi has been asking questions, like, "How do you know, Mom?" So...um, yeah. We shall see, we shall see. She had plans to serve a mission after winter and spring semesters, leaving right after you got home, but only time will tell at BYU-"I Do" for Miss Heidi!
Love is also in the air at the theater, not in a relationship sort of way, but because we CLEANED HOUSE on Saturday, our first set building day. Do remember how we had all of those flats and pieces of wood stacked against the wall by the dressing room? Well, no more! They have now been moved up to the "garage" above the costume room, so we have all that room backstage now for bodies and set pieces and such! It's so wonderful, I LOVE IT! Play practices are going well! We're about 1/3 of the way done with the blocking and working through the music, so things are moving right along. The kids are really talented and we have a lot of fun. :) I love directing plays, but it does make me stressed! Gratefully, my school year is gong much better than it has in the past two years. I have more confidence as a teacher, I am more comfortable with who I am as a person, and I'm not as overwhelmed as I was with too much work.... and I am not afraid to stand up for myself as I have been in the past, so that is great. There is a lot to love and a lot to be grateful for.
Love is in the air at Madison Jr. High as well.... well, mostly. I mean, we went to three games last week at that place: Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday night. We beat South Fremont quite handily, and Meg got to play for 4 minutes at the end of the game. She loved it! She had this big old smile on her face and was so excited to be on the court, like a little puppy with a new chew toy! Sugar Salem was a whole different story on Thursday. We were close and competitive, but then we went into a Sugar Coma after halftime and they beat us by 12 - it was so sad. So we played again on Saturday against Teton and the girls came out so tight and almost desperate that they weren't hitting shots and were making all kinds of mistakes. We were down by 17 at one point, but then rallied in the third and fourth quarters for a strong comeback. With 14 seconds on the clock, Holly Dooley got a steal and made a lay up to tie the game. In overtime, we outscored Teton 13 to 5 for the win! Meg was on the bench for that game, too, but she was all kinds of love for her time - yelling and screaming and encouraging... she's awesome. So, tonight we meet Sugar again. If we lose, we play Gooding/Filer/Kimberly on Saturday (Valentine's Day) at a play-in game for a chance to go to state. If we win, we play them AGAIN on Tuesday (tomorrow) for true first, and the loser of that game goes to the play-in game. Ca-razy. But we love it! Our buns and backs are killing us from all of the bleacher time, but we still come back for more!
Love is (was) in the air at stake conference this weekend. We didn't make it to the Saturday night session because we were at Madison Jr. High school watching what might have been Meg's last ball game this year, but the Sunday morning session was really great. There was a lot of emphasis on marriage - on getting and staying married - and on families and how to strengthen them. While I am tempted to send you my notes, as I did at the last stake conference, I'm not sure if that is super weird or not, so I will just tell you about an experience I had, and experience that was clear evidence of the love Heavenly Father has for his children... specifically for me. So, I have been wondering lately about whether or not I am doing the right things. I mean, I'm not necessarily doing wrong things, but I have been wondering if I shouldn't stay home with Sam and take care of the house better and do family history work and be more available to give service. I've wondered a lot lately if teaching school and directing plays is really the right thing for me because it requires so much time and energy, especially for about six months of the year. I get stressed and a little worn down and then I am more susceptible to the temptations of Satan in the form of insecurities, doubts, discouragement, etc. and then I am not as effective as I could be as a wife and mother and homemaker. So, yeah, I wonder if teaching and directing is the right thing for me. Yesterday morning I was pondering on that and then when we went to stake conference, I listened to these women talk about how to have strong marriages and families and I saw holes in my own efforts. Later in the conference, near the end, actually, while President Searle was talking, I had a very strong impression come into my heart and mind - almost like a clear voice - which said, "Camille, you are doing exactly what you're supposed to be doing right now." It was so out of the blue, I wasn't even thinking about those concerns at the moment, and it was such a strong impression, it brought tears to my eyes. I felt so loved by my Father in Heaven, so valued, and acknowledged. I am so, so grateful.
OK. I love YOU! I have to teach school now.
P.S. So, I talked to a real nurse at Dr. Huntsman's office this time, not a receptionist, and she talked to Casey who feels that an MRI in Chile will not be the best option. So, he'd like you to wait until you get home. I asked about dates and scheduling surgery because of the school thing, and she said that they are really good at getting people in for surgery when they need it. She said it is highly likely that you could meet with Casey on Monday, get an MRI later that day, come back on Tuesday to read the MRI and have surgery that Friday. So the urgency to do what we need to do to schedule surgery early is not real - we should be able to schedule the surgery for the 31st without a problem. So... whew!
The next thing, I hope you received the files I sent of the pedigree charts. I did send out a notice to the Dixons on Facebook. Interestingly, there is NOTHING on the Dixon side. I mean, how did that happen? I think there is just a link that needs fixed, so we'll work on that.
OK! That's it! I'll schedule an appointment for Monday the 20th with Dr. Huntsman. That will give you Thursday, July 16, to recover from a long day of travel and get you up to speed on life in the US (drivers license, remembering how to speak English, and other shenanigans), and then released from your mission. Friday and Saturday will be good days to do a little shopping for clothes, shoes, phones, and other incidentals as well as visiting/hanging out with other returned missionaries who will be coming home in droves in May, June, and July. (Wow, that's going to be amazing!) There will be lots of people who are going to be eager to see and talk with you! Then we can get to work on your knee on Monday the 20th, do the MRI, and make a plan for surgery on the 31st, that way you'll be able to report your mission on the 26th and attend the family reunion without being on crutches. Sound good? It's such a great plan - surely nothing can go wrong, right? hahahahaha
Love you!
hahahaha! lets hope its just the Lords blessings! to me it all looks perfect. dates and everything are looking good. THANK YOU SO MUCH MOTHER FOR WORKING ALL OF THIS OUT FOR ME!!!!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH! i was really worried about it for a bit there, and you, with your super busy schedule came in and solved all my problems :) super mom :) thanks for reals... i love yoou to death :)
alright! sounds like a good plan! as crazy as all of that is to think about coming home... so far. yet... anyways! also, i was thinking a liitle bit about the transportation thing... as much as i would love to have a car... i think a better option would be not a car, im imagining the tempatation to travel home constantly to se that blonde girl... that temptation will probably be big seeing as she still has no boyfriend... sooo im gonna want to waste all of that money i dont have on gas to drve home... thats my thought.... i dont know if theres anything else im missing or should be thinking about.
thanks again!
P.P.S. I've attached pedigree charts for Rick Lee Gold and Annetta Louise Poulsen. Do you need anything from the Dixon side where it is a second marriage and there isn't relation by birth? Just wondering. And you said you had all you needed from the Price side? Hopefully what I've attached from the Gold side will be good... let me know what more you need! We'll make it happen, Cap'n!
February 8, 2015
Hola! So the computer is tied up and it's late, so I'm gonna send a little snippet of a letter here before I hit the hay.
First of all, you got a room on campus at BYU in the new Heritage Halls! they are really nice! You're on the first floor in housing with RMs and/or 19 and older types. It has a full kitchen and 3 shared bedrooms, so you'll have 5 roommates. I even have their names! Crazy! We did not do the meal plan...at least not yet. Still time to make that choice. :)
Second of all, we really really love you. How are things with the trio? When does Elder Sanchez "die"? Your pictures looked like you all had a lot of fun! That's awesome! I'm glad you'll have those relationships forever.
Third, I need some clarification on something. In the last batch of pictures and clips on OneDrive, there are pictures of a form, "registro de ensenanza" And I noticed Lexa's name and phrases like "single ready to mingle" on the "informacion de antecedentes." Did you three fill out a referral card for Lexa? you crazies? I Google translated side of it, but the writing was a little difficult...especially in a foreign language. I'm guessing you don't want me to post this on the blog? Or maybe you do? Ha ha ha
I'm going to turn in for now, bit I'll write more tomorrow.
You I love!
February 2, 2015
Well, January went by in a blur! Hahahaha I'm not sure if that is how it seemed to you, but, truly, I can't believe it's February already. That is just amazing.
So this is part two of my little letter thingy, from my "snippet" sent last week. Since then, I've made contact with the housing office and we should be good to get you set up for on-campus housing in about two weeks. Both Dad and I feel really good about getting you set up in the new Heritage Halls. I think it will be great for you in location and access, and they are really nice. Upcoming decisions about transportation will need to be made, however. So, put these in the back of your mind and let them marinate: do you want/need a car down there? Do you want to use public transportation? A bike? These are questions that we can return to and discuss in a couple of months, but give it some thought now and then. Not too much, just a little and it will build up over time. :)
So, we finished the first week of rehearsals for The Sound of Music. I feel really good about our cast. Sam Nii is super focused on doing his absolute best in his role... sometimes he asks so many questions I want to put my hands on his shoulders and tell him, "Chill, dude!" But his questions are evidence of his commitment and that is awesome. The kids are going to be alot of fun to work with. I had forgotten how short of an attention span they can have, however, so that is a new adjustment for me - working with 7-12 year olds. hahaha Janie is doing a great job. This is a bit of stretch for her, learning to sing harmonies, etc. But already I see growth in her as an actor since the melodrama in the fall. She's more confident and more willing to step out there and risk a little. It's so fun to get to do these things with kiddos! That's why I started doing all of this stuff in the first place! Interestingly, the first play I ever directed for the Shelley School District was "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" when Janie was in kindergarten at Goodsell! hahahaha Meg is doing a great job, too. She is going to be a superb stage manager - I'm already super grateful for her assertive and kind control. I have to share her with basketball for a few more weeks, but then she will be in like Flynn!
Meg starts practicing with the varsity team today. She is really excited. She practiced the warm up with them a few times last week and dressed down with the varsity team for the final home game/Senior Night on Friday (I posted some stuff in One Drive). They have been very welcoming and accepting, which is good. We both worried a little that they would shun the newbies a bit. So, she will work in official practice today and then play in their first playoff game tomorrow night against South Fremont. Varsity has handled South Fremont pretty easily at our last two match-ups, so Meg may actually get to play! We're excited for her. She probably won't play much after that - not in the higher stakes games against Teton and Sugar Salem (we tied for highest seed when we beat Sugar in overtime on Friday - what a game! - and then we won the coin toss and got high seed), but she is OK with that. Truly, she really has a good attitude about playing and just being there! I'm happy for her and grateful for her positive - albeit fierce - attitude about basketball. She's really level-headed about it all! There is a good chance that they'll go to the state tournament this year, which would be super great for all of them. The next two weeks should be very telling!
Sam is doing OK. Last week, as you know, we were super concerned for him and wondering about hospitalization. Heavenly Father, in His goodness and mercy, has helped us to find an answer, and that is an assisted living facility. After talking with his psychiatrist, we feel that hospitalization is not going to be of any real benefit to him right now, but to have him live on his own with supervision and some basic care could really help him alot - in many ways. He would be forced to be more responsible for himself, and there would be a "disinterested third party" there (in the form of nursing staff) to give him reminders and help take care of his needs, rather than a mother who is, as you know, kind of a pushover. I'm not berating myself - it's just a fact, so I must own it. The hope is that the added responsibility will generate some intrinsic motivation in him and some feelings of accomplishment and self worth. That is the hope, and Sam is on board with that. He is aware that they will give him a bed and a dresser and that is all. Anything else - internet, computer, phone, etc. - will be his responsibility. So if he wants any of those things he is going to have to find a way to provide those things for himself. It will be an interesting journey, I think. Also, we are looking into ECT - electroconvulsive therapy - or "shock therapy" because his depression is so deep and so resistant to other drugs. What they do is use carefully placed probes on the temples (after the patient is under anesthesia) and give the brain a "shock" that causes all of the nerves or brain cells.... or something to fire all at once, causing a seizure. No one really knows why it works, but they say it is 70-80% effective for treating drug resistant depression. There are side effects, and Sam would have to have ECT three times a week for 3-4 weeks, so it's a big deal, which is why it's not the first thing patients choose in treating depression, but... we're there. We need something drastic at this point. So, we'll keep you posted on all of those things. Sam probably won't move out for several months and it may take another month or two before we're able to do ECT, so only time will tell. We will trust in the Lord.
OK. So that is that for the week. We love you like crazy and look forward to hearing from you! You are always in our thoughts and prayers! Be safe! Eat veggies! Brush your teeth! hahaha You have been taking care of yourself very well for a long time. I have absolute confidence in you, my love.
Love from Mom
P.S. If you can get an MRI somewhere... our insurance will cover it. You might need an order from Casey, so if you have a moment to call around (hahaha... have a moment! hahahaha) and find someplace that can do an MRI... (sigh). Yeah. I know. Anyway, Dr. Huntsman's office felt that an MRI would be very useful in diagnosing and scheduling surgery. It doesn't have to be right away - just... whenever. And it doesn't have to happen at all, for that matter... just a suggestion/idea/thing.
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