Well hi!
More fun times. ummm where to start... ok! on monday! good place right? The perez family FINALLY o back after lie 2 and a halfalmost 3 weeks. so that was great. and they taold us that they are getting married!!! August 14th, which is a little late for me but still awesome. they will be able to get baptized after. we have been working with them for a long time and we keep finding there little nuggets of progress... hopefully it all works out. they are a great family and they would be SOOOO blessed by the gospel. sooo much.
thankfully we were able to find someone with a truck to help us, but us four missionaris and the driver of thetruck had to unload 600 bottles of water. 3600 liters plus other boxes and stuff of cleaning supplies flower and food. it was fun! but suuuper tiring, we had to unload the from the semi, load them into the truck and unload them from the ruck in 2 trips and then move them all into the church, as fast as we could. me and my comp went hamjust throwing and catching the bottles but the fnext day we were soooooorrreeeee. we did that for about 4 hours straight. one of those adventures thats once in a life time, i ruined a shirt as well, i went in a shirt and tie bcause i didnt think it was going to be as bad as it was, but it endedwith blue marking and some dirt and grime that i couldnt wash out, so i lost a shirt but all was well.
Wednesday we got a deliscious meal called a Chorillana. its sooo good for your body i almost cried. but it was deliscious. everybody needs a good cheat dayright :)
Thursday night we had to go in the afternoon to Taltal, for an iassignment i got from President Dalton. we drove 2 hours, stayed for an hour and a half nad came back. we got crab, shrimp, and octupus empandas in this cool place up there as well. it is a pretty city. i got some pictures of the green that sis starting to grow in the desert! thats whathappens when it rains. soupposedly it gets better into august. all sorts of flowers and such. but it was cool.
This week we also found a cool new family! she istrying to get coser to God, but hekinda feels lie he has already found Him. but there is room for growth, they are both really cool! she wants to read the book of mormon and he doesnt lie o read but she said she would just read it out loud to him :) ihope they keep progressing.
I also had to conduct in church, and give a talk because the guy who was assigned didnt show up... so that was fun! conducting went well. i was happy with it. it still feels wierd being up there though. and the talk... i had almost no prep time so the begining was rough for me, though my comp saysit didnt sound bad, i was tlking about sealing and didnt know what more to sy after like 3 minutes. i had enough prepare time to write down one scripture. then i just heard this voice telling me to start taling about "how to get there" and it just started flowing! that was a huge blessing!
Life is good. im learning so much. the learning process is hardbecause its full of mistakes and often big let downs, bu you just have to keep pushing and everything is gonna be ok. we had some pretty big let downs and rejections with people this week. but yu just have to keep moving. its the sme with personal mistaks, sometimes its hard to see that you are imperfet, especially when you want to be perfect. but every day is a new opportunity. you just have to keep trying.
God loves us! HE LOVES YOU! He just wants us to behappy. thats the whole plan. I loveyou all! take care!
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